Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I hadn't posted in a long time before this week so I'll try to catch up a bit.

My last trip of 2007 was spent between Dublin and Galway Ireland. We stayed @ Chamy's an old friend of my buddy JR. JR got to Dublin before I did so I picked up the car @ the airport when I got there and crossed the city to meet them @ the house. It was quite an experience to drive on the left side and find my way in a city with no street signs. Amazing times, great Guinness, Irish people are simply just too cheerful and welcoming.
Ireland Roadtrip

Marie-Eve A.K.A Sauce la MC

Entrevue à musique plus d'une de mes copines d'enfance qui roule avec chafiik ces jours-ci, elle a son style unique qui réussira certainment a vous faire rigoler. Vous pouvez aussi voir ses trucs sur My Space. Lâche pas chica!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My new baby toy

Goddam it hurts your wallet to make yourself happy. Hope my car in Quebec will sell soon enough. I cant wait in 2 weeks to pick up Mr. Brezina in Lyon who will bring me my new baby toy.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Christmas in the snow

December 21st was the date where I flew back to Montreal for the third time in 7 months.
Had a great night out @ Rouge with the boys and girls from Montreal, Mazathlan, Gatineau, Sherby, Paris and Vienna. Sweet night to get back in town. Then it was chillin time in VD wiht the familly, skidoo @ Lac Sabourin with perfect weather and quickly chillin with Mc in Montreal before heading back to Paris for New Years Eve.
Good times, that post was for U Gabou!

Shutout #2 in Montreal

There are times I would want a private jet and cross the ocean to get back in Montreal for the night. Saturday was one of those, I would of been @ the habs game to see Sabou put a little 1st star on the board. Good job big boy.

Quote of the day

I was watching Full Metal Jacket once more last night. Kubrick and his twisted movies always leaves you out of breath...

"I am so happy that I am alive, in one piece and short. I'm in a world of shit... yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid." - Joker, Full Metal Jacket