Friday, March 23, 2007

Google apps: Picassa

Google just keep on releasing state of the art applications. What's more, all these applications are linked together. Google is taking over Web 2.0.

The latest candy I tried was the Picassa photo sharing application. What is so impressive about it, is not necessarily the quick web slide shows, nor the lagging time almost nonexistent, nor the 1Gb free memory space, but the pluggins they make for thick native clients. I just installed the pluggin for iPhoto, my photo viewer application on Mac, and it just works beautifully. I go on my computer, look in my albums for my latest trip, select a bunch of photos and tell iPhoto to send all these photos in a new picassa album on the web that I can share with my friends.

I haven't checked if other big players like yahoo and Microsoft have done the same but they better do it fast because Google will eat em up, Google seams to do everything right, I am starting to think even highly critisized youTube 3Billion$ acquisition might lead to greatness!
Download picassa pluggin and uploader for Mac

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